The educational potential of the „cylinder of conflicts” theory – innovative understanding of difficult situations and conflicts solution processes


  • Joanna Izabela Belzyt University of Gdańsk


communication, emotions, language codes, cylinder of conflicts, conflicts’ solution


In 2017–2020 I participated in the international project “MineLife – living with mining industry” which was a part of cross – border Polish-Saxonian Program Interreg financed by European Regional Development Fund. The “cylinder of conflicts” original concept presented in this article is an expanded “circle of conflict” model introduced by Ch.W. Moore (2009) and has been developed as a result of my own experience during workshops conducted within the “MineLife” project. My own proposal supplements Moore’s theory with two new, key elements like emotions and language codes and enables to understand the process of conflicts’ development, as well as to concentrate our activity mainly on the difficult situations’ solutions. I primarily presented my “cylinder of conflicts” concept for researchers’ community in 2018 Having received a very positive reception of it, I decided to share my ideas and indicate some practical implications to education, especially special education.


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How to Cite

Belzyt, J. I. (2020). The educational potential of the „cylinder of conflicts” theory – innovative understanding of difficult situations and conflicts solution processes . Disability , (37), 27–39. Retrieved from