Support and organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to students with mental disorders


  • Piotr Majewicz Pedagogical University of Krakow
  • Jacek Sikorski Pedagogical University of Krakow


mental disorders, student, psychological and pedagogical support


Support of psychosocial development of children and young people with special educational needs is one of the fundamental tasks of modern school. These methods of support are particularly important for students who, due to behavioral and emotional disorders, chronic illness, crisis or traumatic situations, are not otherwise capable of successfully complying with the task and requirements included in the school core curriculum. It should be emphasized that broadly understood mental disorders in students are not only a significant medical problem, but should also be of particular interest to all educators and school psychologists. Therefore, it is important to determine the scale of the problem in contemporary school and the state of preventive and remedial actions taken in the form of psychological and pedagogical support addressed to the aforementioned groups of students and their families. Prioritizing the possibilities and restrictions in this area should become an urgent necessity of educational studies, including special pedagogy and more specifically, therapeutic pedagogy.


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Akty prawne

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How to Cite

Majewicz, P., & Sikorski, J. (2020). Support and organization of psychological and pedagogical assistance to students with mental disorders. Disability , (39), 111–129. Retrieved from


