The application of grounded theory to research on the educational dimension of paediatric palliative care


  • Grzegorz Godawa The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow


ill child, education, paediatric palliative care, grounded theory, hospice


Paediatric palliative care addresses a wide range of needs of an ill child and the persons close to them (Friedrichsdorf, Bruera 2018: 7). One of the support areas is the personality development of the child and their family members. Thereby, palliative care becomes part of the process of educating the family environment. The use of grounded theory as an appropriate approach to explore educational issues is justified to research this area (Chong, Yeo 2015: 266). This article presents the results of the author’s own research using grounded theory in Kathy Charmaz’s constructivist approach. The results have been presented using a model of education in the family of a child encompassed by paediatric palliative care. The model shows the basic educational assumptions, principles, and methods as well as the determinants and implementation perspectives of this process. The support provided by the hospice has a tanatopedagogical dimension.


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How to Cite

Godawa, G. (2020). The application of grounded theory to research on the educational dimension of paediatric palliative care . Disability , (40), 87–100. Retrieved from