(Re)definition of thinking about cognitive processes in ASD – a shift in the perception of people with ASD


  • Agnieszka Drabata University of Gdańsk


autism spectrum disorders, monotropism, neurodiversity, The Double Empathy Problem


Since autism was first defined as a disorder, this condition has been predominantly assessed from an external point of view, according to behavioural manifestations, rather than internal, i.e. according to how the autistic person experiences the world. In recent years, increasingly more autistic researchers’ voices and narratives have emerged that pose critical challenges to the dominant discourse and many of the autism-related beliefs and practices. These voices are still systematically marginalised, silenced, misinterpreted or rejected, which raises increasing objections from autistic people as they want to speak on their own behalf, opposed to being treated as a “broken, neurotypical version of human”. Instead, people on the Autism Spectrumseek to be considered a “correct non-neurotypical version”. The aim of this article is to show the shift in the perception of autism which has occurred in recent years owing to autistic groups and autistic researchers who present a theory that does not ignore the “autistic voice” and does not fit in with the approach dominated by the social standards of neurocognitive functioning.


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How to Cite

Drabata, A. (2021). (Re)definition of thinking about cognitive processes in ASD – a shift in the perception of people with ASD . Disability , (41), 11–32. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/6312


