Virtual home visits in early support of development of children with disabilities


  • Andrzej Twardowski Adam Mickiewicz University


support of development, virtual home visits, videoconferencing, coaching, COVID-19 pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic forced early intervention specialists to shift from in-person home visits to virtual visits. Virtual home visits utilizes videoconferencing technology to connect with parents via both video and audio formats and deliver services without having to "visit" their home. Virtual visits pushes specialists to increase the amount of explicit parents coaching strategies they use and requires that parents engage with the child directly. In the first part of the article, the author presents the conditions that must be met for a virtual home visit to take place and describes the key elements of the visit. Next, he presents which advantages of virtual home visits have the greatest impact on their effectiveness. In the final part of the article, the author highlights the most important limitations of virtual home visits.


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Akty prawne

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How to Cite

Twardowski, A. (2021). Virtual home visits in early support of development of children with disabilities . Disability , (43), 198–212. Retrieved from


