The professional identity of the occupational therapists with reference to the continuum from anomie to autonomy – research report


  • Anna Godlewska-Zaorska University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


occupational therapist, identity, professional identity, anomic identity, role identity, identity of the autonomous „Me”


The article is a research report on the professional identity of occupational therapists in the context of situating themselves on the continuum from anomy to autonomy. The exploratory, descriptive and explanatory tasks which focused on the professional identity of the occupational therapists became related to the subject of conceptualization – showing the transformation logic, from preconventional through conventional to post-conventional levels of understanding and acting.


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How to Cite

Godlewska-Zaorska, A. (2021). The professional identity of the occupational therapists with reference to the continuum from anomie to autonomy – research report . Disability , (44), 98–110. Retrieved from


