Social limitations related to the COVID-19 epidemic and the work structure of associations of patients with rare diseases and their families


  • Michalina Pol Medical University of Gdansk
  • Katarzyna A. Milska-Musa Medical University of Gdansk
  • Beata S. Lipska-Ziętkiewicz Medical University of Gdansk


rare disease, association, support, COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the work of associations and foundations working for people suffering from genetic diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate how the changes related to the epidemic influenced the assessment of the work of associations and which of the changes were most significant to them. Additionally, ways of coping with stress, the subjective assessment of one's own illness and how is social support subjectively assessed were analyzed. 62 people participated in the study. The respondents were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire. The following research tools were used in the study: Mini-COPE to verify the ways of coping with stressful situations, SOWC to measure the assessment of one's own disease and BSSS to assess the type of perceived social support. It was shown that the evaluation of the work of associations during the pandemic constraints was lower compared to the period before introduction of social limits. In the study group, Active Coping with Stress was the most common way of reacting. People with rare diseases more often perceived their disease as a benefit and at the same time as a hindrance compared to the group of caregivers. The most frequently received support was Emotional Support. Most of the respondents indicated that the main disadvantage of pandemic measures was the lack of live meetings, which may make it more difficult to obtain support. In the face of a pandemic, it is important to monitor the needs of patients and their loved ones and look for solutions to improve the work of associations.


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How to Cite

Pol, M., Milska-Musa, K. A., & Lipska-Ziętkiewicz, B. S. (2022). Social limitations related to the COVID-19 epidemic and the work structure of associations of patients with rare diseases and their families . Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (45-46), 154–169. Retrieved from


