Awareness of own disability in everyday life, school environment – reflections of students with visual impairment


  • Joanna Nowak PWSZ in Elbląg


awareness, disability, everyday life, student with visual impairment, phenomenography method


A changing society confronts the individual with new dimensions of social, cultural and educational experiences. For people with disabilities, every change means the appearance of a barrier or barriers, which require appropriate conditions. The aim of this article is to present the understanding of disability in the school environment by students with visual impairment. Using the phenomenography method, students’ with visual impairment experiences in the school environment were reconstructed. While analyzing the transcripts of the interviews, the categories of experiencing disabilities were formulated, and the main concepts of ways of experiencing the phenomenon of disability were examined.


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How to Cite

Nowak, J. (2018). Awareness of own disability in everyday life, school environment – reflections of students with visual impairment. Disability , (32), 304–317. Retrieved from