Social support in mothers and fathers of children with developmental disorders


  • Anna Banasiak Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa


autism, social support, parental stress, Down syndrome


The aim of the research presented in this article was to determine the level of subjectively perceived social support at mothers and fathers of children with autism. The research involved 74 parents of children with autism (39 mothers, 35 fathers), 77 parents of children with Down syndrome (40 mothers, 37 fathers) and 80 parents of children developing properly (40 mothers, 40 fathers). The results indicate lower satisfaction from social support at fathers of children with autism than at fathers of children with typical development. In addition, mothers of children with autism and mothers of children with Down syndrome rate satisfaction with the received social support significantly higher than fathers of these children. Besides, mothers of children with Down syndrome estimate the quantity of available social support network higher than fathers of children with this disorder.


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How to Cite

Banasiak, A. (2018). Social support in mothers and fathers of children with developmental disorders. Disability , (30), 1`35–149. Retrieved from