From Dopey to Elsa – a study on disability representation in popular animated cinema


  • Gabriela Jędrusik University of Gdansk


animated film, disability, cinema, media, education, popular culture


This article discusses the means of representation of disability from the perspective of full-length Hollywood animated cinema, specifically as presented in pop culture. Pieces of said genre play an important part in teaching meaning and developing attitudes as much in younger audiences as in adult viewers. The films in dissertation have been chosen, based on their popularity and the reference to the issue of disability, with emphasis placed on the ones released in the 21st century. Disability has been divided into two aspects – the physical and the psychological which depicted the complex nature of the issue and highlighted the lack of disability representation in animated family films. The genre struggles to eliminate stigmatisation especially towards psychological disabilities and lacks in pieces which would refer to the issue in a defining yet non-trivial manner. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the means of approach for disabilities in full-length Hollywood animated cinema as well as to attempt to define its character in the modern world.


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How to Cite

Jędrusik, G. (2022). From Dopey to Elsa – a study on disability representation in popular animated cinema. Disability , (47), 62–74. Retrieved from


