Organizational (re)construction of a disability concept within social, organizational and physical environment of people practicing sport


  • Jakub Niedbalski University of Lodz


disability, sport, social construction of meanings, grounded theory


The article is based on a case study conducted in one of the sportsmen's organizations (in a sports club), where interactions between a person with body dysfunctions and her able – bodied colleagues were observed. The initial aim of the study was to understand and describe the problems experienced by sportsmen with disabilities, functioning within social, organizational and physical environment, which was not designed to meet the needs of the disabled. However, within the course of a study some additional matters have been raised. Hence, the main finding was that being a disabled person seems socially and organizationally constructed even before it becomes a biological or physical handicap. The paper gives a detailed description of the organizational process, through which "being the person with body dysfunctions" is slowly and routinely constructed.


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How to Cite

Niedbalski, J. (2017). Organizational (re)construction of a disability concept within social, organizational and physical environment of people practicing sport. Disability , (26), 102–118. Retrieved from