Powtórna rebelia ojca. O ciągu dalszym „Traktatu o manekinach” Brunona Schulza
The essay is an interpretation of the middle part of the “Treatise on Tailor’s Dummies.” The opposition of matter and form has been translated into the key opposition in Schulz’s fiction – the conflict of the sexes. The father represents in Schulz’s stories a patriarchal order. A vision of the father’s domination is the foundation of his lecture, which makes it different from the first part of the “Treatise,” where Jacob attempted to win the affection of the listening women by a praise of a heretic doctrine identified with matriarchate.
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Schulz Bruno. 1973. Proza. Oprac. A. Sandauer. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Sienkiewicz Barbara. 2003. „Filozofia życia Brunona Schulza”. Polonistyka 10.
The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 1967. Ed. P. Edwards. Vol. V. London – New York: Macmillan.