From studies on late medieval epigraphy. About three fifteenth–century tombstones from the area of contemporary Poland




late medieval epigraphy, tombstones, Siedlnica, Żagań


The aim of this text was to verify the current state of research and broaden the knowledge concerning late medieval tombstones from the area of contemporary Poland. Relatively verified readings of epigraphic inscriptions from three tombstones: one from Siedlnica and two from Żagań, have been read and published in it for the very first time. The tombstone from Siedlnica from 1448 is so far the oldest registered tombstone with a German inscription from the area of the Kingdom of Poland in the period before 1454–1466 (until the incorporation of Prussia). It was already known, but the reading of the inscription’s content was unsatisfactory. A similar verification was carried out in the case of Katharina von Miltitz’s tombstone plate from Żagań dating back to 1479. It was also known to previous researchers of the issue. Whereas, the Jakob Lichtenberg’s tombstone from 1419, developed by us, was introduced into the scientific circulation for the first time. In addition to strictly epigraphic knowledge, a better elaboration of these sources also enriches the knowledge in the field of prosopography and genealogy of people who have been commemorated by them.


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Źródła archiwalne

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Źródła drukowane

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How to Cite

Zdrenka, J. . (2023). From studies on late medieval epigraphy. About three fifteenth–century tombstones from the area of contemporary Poland. Medieval Studies, (26), 404–420.


