The situation of Polish higher education graduates on the labour market in the first year after graduation
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
labour market, graduates, earnings, educationAbstrakt
The literature highlights the present-day problem of misalignment between skills possessed by graduates and employer expectations. This has been shown to considerably affect the length of time spent by graduates on job seeking and – consequently – their earnings.
It is particularly interesting to compare the situation of graduates of various levels and fields of study in Poland among those surveyed by the MNiSW (Ministry of Science and Higher Education) – 2016. The study provides interesting conclusions confirming the thesis that an increase in the education level leads to increased income. Thus, those graduating with a Master’s degree find work more easily and earn higher salaries.
The article analyses the MNiSW, OECD, EU, GUS databases. The work is analytical and descriptive.
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