Macroeconomic determinants of corporate failures in Poland



Słowa kluczowe:

upadłość, niewypłacalność, upadłość korporacyjna, model regresji, przewidywanie upadłości


This study aims at identifying macroeconomic factors of corporate bankruptcy.The main objective of this work is to analyse quantity of bankruptcy in Poland in 2000-2017 and attempt to estimate parameters of the regression model where the number of insolvent companies is explained by variance of macroeconomic factors. Essential data has been collected from GUS and Coface resources. Based on selected, macroecomic variables, econometric cause-effect model has been developed. The equation has been estimated by the Ordinary Least Squares method (OLS). A statistical investigation resulted in observing few macroeconomic factors with influence on corporate failure intensity in Poland, among others: expenditures on consumer goods and services, export and exchange rates.


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Jak cytować

Siciński, J. . (2019). Macroeconomic determinants of corporate failures in Poland. Współczesna Gospodarka, 10(2 (33), 9–20.