Digital leadership for digital transformation


  • Gracja Borowska

Słowa kluczowe:

cyfrowe przywództwo, kompetencje cyfrowe, transformacja cyfrowa


The Digital Era, an era in which digital revolution strongly influenced the societies and economies, and reinvented marketplaces. According to Collin (2015), digital transformation has been disruptively and fundamentally changing the existing businesses. It has been considered as a major challenge for today’s business leaders. Emerging researches show that this technological phenomenon requires persistent Digital Leadership at top levels of companies. This article discusses the digital leadership concept, summarizes best practices in terms of a set of competences derived from a broad scholar literature and practical business cases. It analyzes leadership in the context of digital transformation.

JEL classification: M,O


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Jak cytować

Borowska, G. (2019). Digital leadership for digital transformation. Współczesna Gospodarka, 10(3 (34), 11–19. Pobrano z