The form of the European Union’s contemporary and future defense policy


  • Andrzej Stępniak Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

polityka obronna, przemysł obronny, globalizacja, konflikty zbrojne, pozycja Polski w Unii Europejskiej, polityka bezpieczeństwa


Defence and Security Policy in Europe evolved, and thus it is a result of numerous actions and searches. Conflicts in Europe (in the Balkans) have forced the EU countries to change their thinking. The crisis after 2008 had a significant impact on the "inhibition" of defence policy activities.

A new global situation and threats (from Russia) exert some significant influence on the aspirations to conduct a common EU defence policy. For several years now, Poland has been pursuing a policy in this area that is not fully accepted by EU countries.

This paper is intended to show the need for a more harmonized EU defence policy, until its unification. Available research methods have been adopted, namely, historical, statistical, comparative and descriptive. The paper is interdisciplinary due to the multithreaded nature of the problem.


JEL classification: G, D


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Jak cytować

Stępniak, A. . (2019). The form of the European Union’s contemporary and future defense policy. Współczesna Gospodarka, 10(3 (34), 21–32. Pobrano z