Wspólnototwórczy wymiar kultury narodowej w wypowiedziach Jana Pawła II skierowanych do Polaków


  • Anastazja Seul


During pilgrimages to Poland, sixteen times John Paul II met representatives of universities, researchers and representatives of other fields of Polish culture. From the analysis of the delivered speeches comes a conclusion that culture is a constitutive element of the community of the nation. The Pope emphasizes the primacy of the spiritual over the material culture and sees community of the nation as a communio personarum. He points out that culture allowed the Poles to preserve their national identity, when Poland was not on the map of Europe in the years of partition and occupation. John Paul II appreciates those culturemaking factors that allow the Poles to experience a sense of national community. He draws attention to the knowledge of history, development of science and education, works of national art and religious and moral issues. He refers to the Latin culture, and thus confirms the association of Polish culture with the Western European tradition.


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Jak cytować

Seul, A. (2018). Wspólnototwórczy wymiar kultury narodowej w wypowiedziach Jana Pawła II skierowanych do Polaków. Język – Szkoła – Religia, 8(1), 101–113. Pobrano z



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