Media stigmatisation of public relations: research results of the depiction of PR in Polish opinion-forming magazines (2011–2016)


  • Łukasz Przybysz University of Warsaw


public relations, PR, stigmatisation, magazines


The paper covers the issue of stigmatisation of public relations in Polish media from the perspective of quantitative and qualitative research on depiction of PR in opinion-forming magazines. We argue PR has a rather negative social image which we assume is affected by the ways the media use the term associating it with promotion, marketing, advertising, image, propaganda etc. A negative use of the term seems to be rather common. Moreover, it is characteristic for Polish public sphere to use the phrase dark PR to discredit or criticise the opponents. We observe a frequent use of phrases associated with public relations, where they appear in negative connotations or serve as synonyms for other related terms. This results in changing the primary meaning of PR for the worse and leading to its growing misunderstanding. We argue such a state of PR affects its image, social perception, its development and education. It is contradictory to the idea of public relations serving as strategic communication process building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships. The approach of the media and society reflects badly upon PR and leads to an escalation of false information and idea of public relations. Trying to find answers and solutions adequate for the aggravating situation and image of public relations in Poland, we established a quadrilateral partnership between: 1) the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, University of Warsaw, 2) The Polish Public Relations Consultancies Association, 3) The Institute of Media Monitoring, 4) a major Polish public relations professional portal Proto. pl. We collectively decided to conduct research to outline the main fields of concern and the scale of the problem. Trying to get the best possible perspective and quality material, we have focused on Polish political magazines which we assumed contained the most balanced and reputable content. We examined six Polish opinion-forming magazines and investigated six full consecutive publishing years (2011–2016) searching for any occurrence of phrases related to PR. The analysis has been divided into three levels: 1) connotation, 2) key words, 3) context frame. To aggregate the data, we used a dedicated database provided by the IMM which generated more than 780 unique records of phrases associated with PR. We gathered and summarized the findings to help understand the way public relations has been presented in Polish media. This paper contains an in-depth analysis of the collected material and is a continuation of the previously published program one.


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How to Cite

Przybysz, Łukasz . (2020). Media stigmatisation of public relations: research results of the depiction of PR in Polish opinion-forming magazines (2011–2016). Media Business Culture, (1(8), 19–34. Retrieved from


