Passion or business? The image of amateur football clubs in social media


  • Mateusz Sobiech Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


social media, new media, amateur sports, image, media analysis


The article is an attempt to present the results of research conducted on November and December of 2019 on the process of image creation in social media by amateur football clubs. The author could verify the research hypothesis by using the method of media content analysis. He proved that today’s functioning of non-professional football clubs is determined not only by passion for football, but also by business opportunities. The research established that the activity of non-profit entities (such as amateur football clubs) in social media may generate financial income. The conclusions of the analysis made it possible to determine the advisability, possibilities and effectiveness of the process of image communication in non-professional football. Additionaly, the article presents the specificity of amateur football clubs, through the prism of their image and the process of creating it in social media.


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How to Cite

Sobiech, M. . (2020). Passion or business? The image of amateur football clubs in social media. Media Business Culture, (1(8), 35–51. Retrieved from


