The role of a social communication in gaining an acceptance for nuclear energy in France. The case of the Local Information Committees


  • Sylwia Mrozowska University of Gdańsk
  • Bartosz Duraj University of Gdańsk


social communication, energy projects, stakeholder involvement, risks perception


The adoption of the long strategy entitled the European Green Deal by the European Commission in December 2019 confirmed the consistency of the European Union (EU) in seeking to become a global leader in combating climate change, and thus the need to accelerate energy transformation in many EU countries. Countries whose accession to the EU took place after 2004 will have to face complex economic, legal, political and social challenges. Considering that the social and political conditions for changing energy culture include, among others, the processes of communication between authorities and society, it is important to recognise their significance in the process of creating and implementing socially “controversial” energy projects, such as the construction of nuclear power stations or wind farms. The aim of the article is to present the conditions of social communication in the field of methods and ways of social communication between the government, society, the investor and local authorities. Attention will be focused on Local Information Committees (CLIs) and their role in the French nuclear energy industry. The experience of France confirms that the process of gaining acceptance for socially “controversial” technologies is highly individualised, complex and multi-faceted.


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How to Cite

Mrozowska, S. ., & Duraj, B. . (2020). The role of a social communication in gaining an acceptance for nuclear energy in France. The case of the Local Information Committees. Media Business Culture, (1(8), 125–138. Retrieved from


