Media Stigmatisation of public relations: depiction of PR in Polish opinion-forming magazines (2011–2016) – theoretical background and research outline


  • Łukasz Przybysz University of Warsaw


public relations, PR, stigmatisation, opinion-forming magazines, image


The paper is an introduction to research on the problem of stigmatisation of public relations in the Polish media, precisely ways of presenting PR in opinion magazines. PR has a rather negative social image influenced by the way the media present the field. Negative references occur quite often, which affects the image of public relations, its social perception, development and education. This is contrary to the idea of ​​PR understood as a strategic communication process, building and maintaining mutually beneficial relations. The approaches of the media and the society badly affect PR and escalate its misunderstanding. Trying to find a solution to the problem, we have established a four-party partnership between: 1) the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies of the University of Warsaw, 2) the Polish Public Relations Consultancies Association, 3) the Institute of Media Monitoring 4) and a major PR website Together, we have decided to conduct research to outline the main areas of interest and the scale of the problem. Trying to get the best possible perspective and quality of materials, we have decided to focus on Polish opinion-forming magazines, which, we have assumed, would contain the most balanced and recognized content. We have conducted our analysis of six Polish magazines published from 2011 to 2016, searching for any references to PR. A detailed report from our research will be presented in the upcoming article, where we have collected and summarized the results to better understand how public relations is presented in the Polish media. Whereas this article serves as a theoretical basis and conceptualization for the discussed research.


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How to Cite

Przybysz , Łukasz . (2019). Media Stigmatisation of public relations: depiction of PR in Polish opinion-forming magazines (2011–2016) – theoretical background and research outline. Media Business Culture, (2(7), 55–68. Retrieved from


