The Pedagogy of Geese Sent into the Future: On the Theory of Value


  • Piotr Kowzan Uniwersytet Gdański



money monopoly, cultivation of values, eccentricism, theory of value, Lwów School of Mathematics


I have examined the problem of the money monopoly posed by Szkudlarek, focusing on aspects related to the cultivation of values. Breaking the money monopoly may not be necessary to trigger social mobilisation. When we scrutinise money’s purpose, it fulfills two functions: it serves as a medium of exchange and a tool for accumulating value. Szkudlarek has shown that there are procedures that can replace the role of the exchange regulator. In my considerations, I directed attention to a procedure that could help in attributing and adding value to creative human activities. Inspired by the Lwów School of Mathematics, a tournament with eccentric rewards may prove to be an effective way of attributing and cultivating values.


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How to Cite

Kowzan, P. (2023). The Pedagogy of Geese Sent into the Future: On the Theory of Value. Ars Educandi, 20(20), 57–68.