Motion between the Stage and the Foyer: discursive shifts of the subjectivity of didactics in scientific narratives


  • Beata Karpińska-Musiał Uniwersytet Gdański



subjectivity of didactics, shifts of identity, didactics, linguistic semantics, discourse, semantic drift


In this chapter, an attempt is made to subjectively use selected theoretical categories from the area of Critical Discourse Analysis to analyse the narrative location of didactics in the ranks of scientific fields and disciplines. Specifically, the author proposes to look at a selected fragment of the scientific discourse from the perspective of linguistic sema ntics, which, through linguistic collocations, induces a specific understanding, and thus also the practice (social praxeological function) of didactics as an educational process and as an autonomous (against pedagogy) area of scientific cognition. Thus, in this process of fluid (discursively) understanding, the eponymous movement of the subjectivity of didactics takes place, determining – in the social perspective – its primary functions in academic education, and in the linguistic perspective – a position in scientific narratives about it. The author concludes with a recommendation to draw attention to the social consequences of the discursive “moves between the stage and the foyer” of the theatre that is the academy, in the context of the drift of specific discourses related to education in fields of power that are not only symbolic.


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How to Cite

Karpińska-Musiał, B. (2023). Motion between the Stage and the Foyer: discursive shifts of the subjectivity of didactics in scientific narratives. Ars Educandi, 20(20), 123–139.