Towards social engineering




inżynieria społeczna, unifikacja, maszyny społeczne, matematyzacja, eksperyment myślowy


The article proposes a departure from cultivating general knowledge in pedagogy toward social engineering. It considers proposals for the transformation of pedagogical knowledge in order to make it communicative beyond the area of the humanities. The goal of these transformations is to optimize and simplify the knowledge to a level that allows its adepts a DIY approach. The proposed solution consists in: 1) deriving scientific justifications from what is pedagogically impossible; 2) mathematization of the language of description; 3) creating sets of procedures requiring minimal knowledge and limiting the actions
of adults to a minimum.


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How to Cite

Kowzan, P. (2021). Towards social engineering. Ars Educandi, 18(18), 113–127.



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