Diabeł w sutannie, czyli ontologia pewnych bytów według Indian Matsigenka z peruwiańskiej Amazonii
https://doi.org/10.4467/254395379EPT.17.005.9241Słowa kluczowe:
Matsigenka, Amazon, Peru, religious missions, indigenous cosmologiesAbstrakt
The Matsigenka Indians from the Peruvian Amazon believe in the existence of demoniac beings called kamagarini. These demons use to rape people anally, in this manner transforming them (or their spiritual essences – isure) into creatures of the same kind as the rapist. Catholic and protestant missionaries usually identify kamagarini with Western concept of devil. Surprisingly it seems that [at least some] Matsigenka perceive the catholic missionaries as, in important aspects, similar to the kamagarini demons.
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