The Laws of Oleron as the rules governing maritime labour


  • Dorota Pyć Uniwersytet Gdański



The essence of this paper is to illustrate the genuine link between the norms contained in the medieval Laws of oleron that have survived to modern times, binding certain legal solutions in the space over the ages. The Laws of oleron contain norms relating to contemporary maritime labour law. Certainly they are not a model fully reflected in the maritime labour Convention (mlC 2006). nevertheless, these principles can be an interesting starting point for discussions on the importance of decent working conditions, the lives of seafarers on ships and maritime safety culture from a few centuries perspective.



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Jak cytować

Pyć, D. . (2019). The Laws of Oleron as the rules governing maritime labour. Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, (3(43)/2019), 161–176.