BRICS jako rzeczywistość wykreowana?
Słowa kluczowe:
geopolityka, BRICS, Brazylia, Rosja, Indie, Chiny, stosunki międzynarodoweAbstrakt
The acronym BRIC was originally coined by Goldman Sachs analytics to highlight the exceptional role of important emerging economies and included Brazil, Russia, India and China. It was pointed out that high growth rates, economic potential and demographic development were going to put BRIC further in a lead position and it was argued that their increase relevance should change international relations. In this article author argues that individually, the BRICS countries have become relevant actors in the international arena but cooperation between BRICS countries are limited in their depth, scope and acceptance, which reflect the group’s lack of cohesion, resources, priorities, economics model, foreign policy interest, and, consequently, their incapacity to shape their own international agenda. Authors argue that talking about BRICS as “a new geopolitical power” is a manifestation of lack of criticism.
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