Anthropocene in the Perspective of Pedagogical and Religious Research
Anthropocene, humanities and social sciences, pedagogy, pedagogy of religion, religious educationAbstract
The text is a critical analysis of the category of the Anthropocene in the context of humanistic and social research, with particular emphasis on pedagogical and religious aspects. At the beginning, a short history of the creation and the original meaning of the concept in question was presented. Then, the attention focused on the dominant elements of understanding this issue in the humanities and social sciences, which allowed to identify a potential interpretive context within pedagogical and pedagogical-religious research. The main research question of the article is as follows: What is the place and importance of pedagogical and religious research in the era of the Anthropocene? In the pedagogical literature, the discussed category is analyzed both in terms of the origin and meaning of the concept itself, as well as its impact on the broadly understood area of education. This text is an attempt to analytically approach the indicated issues, and also asks two fundamentally important questions in the context of Polish religious pedagogy. The first of these questions concerns the presence, but also the relevance of the Anthropocene issue in pedagogical research conducted in Poland. The second question focuses on educational practice, analyzing the role and place of these issues within religious education, with particular emphasis on the goals and tasks facing the modern universal education system. The analysis is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of one of the (pedagogical) trends in Polish religious education. Here, the key criteria for interpreting goals, tasks, but also educational activities are the context resulting from pedagogical, philosophical and social, and secondarily theological, denominational or confessional assumptions.
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