The experiences of fathers of adults with profound intellectual disabilities. A qualitative study




father, profound intellectual disability, experience, support


Little is known about the experiences of fathers who care for adults children with profound intellectual disabilities. The aim of this study was to explore these experiences from their perspective. The information was shared during the participant interviews using analytical methods, based on theoretical and methodological concepts developed within the biographical sociology framework outlined by Fritz Schütze (1977, 2012). The respondents were asked to share their thoughts about their experiences as fathers from past, present and future perspectives. Gaining a better understanding of and uncovering details about the fatherhood experiences of men with adult children with profound disabilities is important so as to better understand ways to better support fathers in such situations. It is especially important to know about the ways in which these fathers perceive their experiences and to understand the social context that impacts their experiences and perceptions.


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How to Cite

Aksamit, D., Marcinkowska, B., & Kurth, J. (2023). The experiences of fathers of adults with profound intellectual disabilities. A qualitative study . Disability , (49), 125–141.


