Profound intellectual disability in a defining mirror




terminology, profound intellectual disability, classification, dignity


We are seeing a growing trend in Poland toward the introduction of newer and newer concepts and resulting definitions for understanding intellectual disability. This is a change moving in the right direction. However, we also note some risks, which are very often due to the lack of consideration of cultural, social and economic conditions specific to Poland in this implementation process. The risks we note may result in the inability to implement a given implementation solution or, over time, prove to be an ineffective measure. Because if given solutions are effective in some country, taking into account the conditions we mentioned, they may be more or less inappropriate in Poland. In particular, this applies to solutions for people with profound intellectual disabilities, who are, "minority within a minority". In this article, we will focus on the specificity and complexity of profound intellectual disability and attempt a taxonomy of the concept in question the context of the definitional changes over the past few decades in classifications in Poland and around the world.


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How to Cite

Aksamit, D., & Rola, J. (2023). Profound intellectual disability in a defining mirror. Disability , (51), 116–130.




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