Reeducation of veterans with acquired disability – traumatic brain injury (TBI). A theoretical assumptions and practical solutions


  • Beata Borowska-Beszta Nicolaus Copernicus University



social sciences, re-education, education, veterans, acquired disability, traumatic brain injury, TBI


Among contemporary monographs and foreign scientific articles related to the issue of supporting disabled soldiers, the most attention is paid to the comprehensive rehabilitation of war veterans with acquired cognitive disabilities. Interestingly, in the rehabilitation of veterans, mainly psychologists write scientific studies and implement practically methods of support based on education - educational category. The greatest number of monographs and scientific articles is devoted to the complex cognitive rehabilitation of veterans with acquired cognitive disabilities. Interestingly, in rehabilitation psychologists use methods of interaction based on  education. The article is a clarification of concepts related to the reeducation of veterans with acquired disabilities due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). The content has been divided into sections on defining reeducation, reviewing the forms of health loss and veterans' functioning in World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the military conflict in Persian Gulf. Particular attention was devoted to the analysis and description of the traumatic brain injury and its effects in human functioning and reeducation supported by technology improving the everyday cognitive, psychological and social functioning of war veterans diagnosed as having TBI.


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How to Cite

Borowska-Beszta, B. . (2019). Reeducation of veterans with acquired disability – traumatic brain injury (TBI). A theoretical assumptions and practical solutions. Disability , (34), 175–192.

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