A child with selective mutism – characteristics of the phenomenon and ways to counteract the difficulties


  • Aleksandra Bawolska Adam Mickiewicz University




selective mutism, anxiety, sliding in


The article discusses issues related to the problem of selective mutism. Selective Mutism as an anxiety disorder may be the cause of many difficulties, so it is important to implement early therapeutic interactions. When considering selective mutism as a source of special educational needs, more information appears that allows you to better understand the specificity of this phenomenon and the challenges faced by educators and therapists. Early therapy will help prevent later difficulties such as withdrawal from social life, frequent failures, school phobia or even depression.


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How to Cite

Bawolska, A. . (2019). A child with selective mutism – characteristics of the phenomenon and ways to counteract the difficulties. Disability , (33), 204–212. https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561.NP.19.014.10489