A Human Figure of in a Drawing. On Base of the Works of Thirteen-Year-Old Children Blind from Birth and Their Well-Sighted Peers
blind, drawing, stages of artistic development, model of an art piece, rules of translationAbstract
The research presented in the article is of a comparative character. It focuses on a portrayal of reality on example of a human figure. The research consists of the works of thirteen-year -old children – both thoroughly blind from birth, as well as their well-sighted peers. The subject of the analysis is the drawing skills and their development. The article aims at answering the question whether, while drawing a human figure, blind artists build a similar representation of reality to their wellsighted peers, and how they complete the process. For this reason, the author has analysed protuberant drawings of human figures portrayed on a drawing foil for blind people. The tool used for conducting the analysis was a questionnaire built by the author on base of knowledge of art and taking into consideration the form of an art piece (Nestorowicz 2007,2017), as well as stages of drawing development and possibilities of well-sighted children. The above mentioned stages were identified with help of works by Szuman (1990), Lowenfeld and Brittain (1977), Luquet (2001/1927), Popek (1985, 2001, 2010), and Hornowski (1982). The research tool is based on the structure of an art piece with respect to its form and the rules of translation, i.e. the rules of transferring elements of reality into symbolic signs placed on the surface of the drawing (Millar 1975).
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