Arithmetic text problem solving by children with different types of developmental learning disorders


  • Urszula Oszwa Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


developmental learning disorder, arithmetic text problem solving, mathematical skills


Arithmetic text problem solving by children with different types of developmental learning disorders The ability to solve arithmetic text problems is an important element of mathematical education from the early school years. It is a complex, linguistic and mathematical skill that requires the simultaneous reading of text and manipulation of numerical data. The specificity of textual tasks means that problems with solving them may result from the difficulties in learning mathematics manifested by children, as well as difficulties in decoding and understanding the read text. The aim of the study was to analyse the ability to solve six types of text problems with varying degrees of linguistic and arithmetic complexity by third grade elementary school students (n=231), demonstrating different types of developmental learning disorder (ICD-11): 1) in mathematics (n = 62), 2) in mathematics and reading (n = 49), 3) in reading (n = 53). Their results were compared with the group without academic difficulties (n = 67). Analysis of quantitative indicators (number of correct answers, time to solve problems) showed the presence of statistically significant differences between the groups. Each group had a different profile of difficulty in arithmetic problem solving. The weakest results occurred in the double deficit group. The practical implication of the study may be to provide special therapeutic care to these children by early recognition of their difficulties and development of arithmetic skills in playful situations and the needs of everyday life, without having to read the text problem.


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How to Cite

Oszwa, U. . (2020). Arithmetic text problem solving by children with different types of developmental learning disorders. Disability , (37), 245–264. Retrieved from