Coping strategies of visually impaired people when faced with difficult situations – the function of self-esteem


  • Beata Szabała Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


dealing with difficult situations, self-esteem, visually-impaired persons


The ability to receive visual stimuli is incredibly important to every human being. Its impairment entails various consequences. Taking into consideration the way visually impaired persons function, and especially difficulties they experience, their coping strategies are of high relevance. Given that the available literature does not abound in many publications dedicated to this issue, the aim of this scientific paper is to explore a nature of the relation between coping strategies of visually impaired persons faced with difficult situations and their self-esteem. In order to achieve the set goal, Mini-COPE Inventory Measuring Stress-Coping Strategies by Ch.S. Carver and TSCS Self-Esteem Scale by W.H. Fitts were utilized for the research. The study included 100 visually impaired persons. The specificity of the set of explanatory variables points to a diverse character of the impact each dimension of eslf-esteem has on determining a type of coping strategies typically underatken by people with visual impairment.


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How to Cite

Szabała, B. (2020). Coping strategies of visually impaired people when faced with difficult situations – the function of self-esteem . Disability - Discourses of Special Education, (38), 100–116. Retrieved from