The Communication Competence of People with ADHD: A Review of Literature


  • Anna Wojnarska Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


ADHD, developmental dyslexia, communication competence, specific language disorder, recognition of facial expressions


This article review conducted over past 20 years on the communication competence (containing pragmatic language use) of people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). There is potential association of ADHD with using language in social context, reading and writing, and recognition of facial expression. Most papers suggest that people with ADHD have a lot of problems in social communication but results of research are inconsistent, because some of them indicate no existence of differences. Possible reasons of this are discussed. Examined groups of people are heterogeneous because they have various levels of difficulty and different co-occuring impairments. The article concludes that in spite of discrepancy in research results, there are evidence for dependency between ADHD and communication problems. Some recommendations for future research and psychological and education practice are formulated.


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How to Cite

Wojnarska, A. (2021). The Communication Competence of People with ADHD: A Review of Literature . Disability , (42), 11–25. Retrieved from


