Depression in mothers and fathers of persons with Down Syndrome with moderate and severe intellectual disability in the family cycle


  • Karolina Kaliszewska University of Szczecin


Down syndrome, mild intellectual disability, family life cycle, family with a person with intellectual disability, depression of parents of intellectually disabled persons


The main objective of the following researches was an attempt to find an answer to question whether parents of people with mild intellectual disability suffer from depression and in case the answer to that question was positive I attempted to measure the revealed level of experienced depression. Studies were conducted on the group of 120 parents of people with mild intellectual disability with Down syndrome. The outcomes of conducted researches confirmed the assumption regarding the occurrence of above mentioned illness, what is more the level of experienced negative emotions varied in regard to the age of intellectually disabled son or daughter, in another words the level of depression changed in regard to the phase of the family life cycle. Parents, who were in the first phase of family life cycle (parents of children from 30 months old to 6 years old) and parents form the last phase of family life cycle (aging parents) revealed moderated level of experienced depression, whereas parents from the second phase displayed mild level of depression, which in turn was hardly displayed in the group of parents with adult persons with Down syndrome.


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How to Cite

Kaliszewska, K. (2021). Depression in mothers and fathers of persons with Down Syndrome with moderate and severe intellectual disability in the family cycle. Disability , (42), 129–145. Retrieved from


