Theater therapy in work with children with autism spectrum disorders. Workshop activities project


  • Justyna Leszka Adam Mickiewicz University
  • Anita Stefańska Adam Mickiewicz University


child with autism spectrum disorder, therapeutic theater, theater techniques, communication competences


There is a growing interest in theater game-based therapeutic programs aimed at alleviating ASD symptoms and, in consequence, the need for evidence-based actions. This article presents a theater therapy project aimed at older children with ASD and their parents. The assumptions, the course and opinions of the participants of the theater therapy workshop were presented and described using direct quotations. The observations obtained are promising and indicate that further studies of theatrical therapy offers for this group of participants are justified and may bring about a potential improvement in the socio-emotional functioning of children with ASD.


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How to Cite

Leszka, J., & Stefańska, A. (2021). Theater therapy in work with children with autism spectrum disorders. Workshop activities project. Disability , (42), 186–203. Retrieved from


