(Dis)ability and (in)dependence in the context of relational autonomy


  • Dorota Podgórska-Jachnik Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz


(dis)ability, (in)dependence, relational autonomy, emancipation


In special education, disability has always been associated with dependence. This was reflected in the case-law on disability. However, defining disability through dependence is not adequate to the needs of present day. In addition, it contradicts the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which emphasize more human possibilities than limitations. One of the directions of search may be to consider the meaning of these terms in the concept of relational autonomy. The conceptual framework of the idea of relational autonomy shows a man in the context of his social setting. They undermine the dichotomy “autonomy vs. dependence”, which is why they allow to look for solutions that increase human autonomy in conditions of dependence on other people, such as those caused by disabilities. The play of meanings in the words “(dis)ability” and “(in)dependence” symbolically marks the change to the relational approach.


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How to Cite

Podgórska-Jachnik, D. (2018). (Dis)ability and (in)dependence in the context of relational autonomy. Disability , (32), 57–71. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/niepelnosprawnosc/article/view/8158