Resilience and strategies of coping with problems in mothers of children with disability


  • Stanisława Byra Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin
  • Monika Parchomiuk Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin


resilience, coping strategies, mothers of children with disabilities, canonical analysis


The issue of the article concerns the problems of resilience in the mothers of children with disabilities. The study presents the results of own research. The aim of research was to determine the nature of dependence between resilience and coping strategies in difficult situations. As part of the undertaken issue, the intensity of resilience determinants, frequency of using specific strategies and relations between the two aspects of the adaptive functioning of mothers bringing up a child with a disability were established. It has been assumed that resilience is a personality trait. 101 women participated in the study - mothers of children with intellectual and motor disabilities, as well as with autistic spectrum disorders. The material was collected using the Skala Pomiaru Prężności (SPP-25) (SPP-25) and the Kwestionariusz COPE (The Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced). As a result of the applied canonical analysis, a significant but weak relationship between resilience and strategies was found. According to hypothetical assumptions positive relations of selected resilience indicators with task-oriented coping and negative ones with emotionalavoidance were established.


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How to Cite

Byra, S., & Parchomiuk, M. (2018). Resilience and strategies of coping with problems in mothers of children with disability. Disability , (31), 24–41. Retrieved from