Plagiat przez antycypację


  • Tomasz Swoboda Uniwersytet Gdański


The author of the paper presents a short history of the idea of plagiarism and concludes that today it should be interpreted as a unique, alternative, but still legitimate manner of writing, in which what matters most is memory – that of the author and that of the reader. Such an approach was proposed by members of the OuLiPo group (François Le Lionnais, Marcel Bénabou, and Pierre Bayard) as plagiarism by anticipation. Its features, such as obvious similarity of texts, discord between the plagiarized fragment and the rest of the work and other works from the same period, secrecy, and temporal inversion, in the era of widespread reproduction provoke to think about copies in terms of anticipation or falsification of the missing works. Will the Messiah come from that direction?


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Biogram autora

Tomasz Swoboda - Uniwersytet Gdański

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Jak cytować

Swoboda, T. (2016). Plagiat przez antycypację. Schulz/Forum, (8), 5–13. Pobrano z


