
  • Patryk Heliosz Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach


Słowa kluczowe:

Digitalization, TFL sector, SWOT analysis


Purpose. Digitalization has contributed to the dynamic development of both the private and professional lives of many people. The form of physical and virtual tools has brought huge benefits but also there have been some negative effects of transferring everyday affairs to virtual space. The aim of the article is to try to identify the structures of digitalization in the Polish TFL sector and to present the advantages, disadvantages, development opportunities and threats arising from the use of modern electronic infrastructure in the activities of TFL enterprises.

Methodology. The study was carried out using the desk research method and in-depth interview. Using the first research technique an outline of the discussion was created and the structure of the vertical division of digitalization was identified. In-depth interviews with dozens of people performing various functions in the TFL sector allowed to increase the thematic scope with empirical data which allowed to characterize the horizontal structure. The results were condensed in the form of a SWOT analysis.

Findings. The research confirmed the possibility of a two-structure approach to the digitalization of the TFL sector enterprises and that digitalization can have both positive and  negative impact on the activities of those enterprises.


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