„You do not save souls covered with words …” – what does Jan Twardowski teach about the words, in his poems?


  • Beata Bohdziewicz-Sulecka


Jan Twardowski, ethics, word, silence, truth, poetry, no teaching, conversation, meeting


In refl ection on the word, I turned to my master Jan Twardowski. The starting point for my considerations is a quotation from one of the poems: „You do not save souls covered with words”. It corresponds with the biblical warning of Jesus: „But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment” (Mt 12,36–37). I notice that in the biblical texts, the ethics of language is a topic often discussed, for example in psalms. In the main part of my considerations, I formulate the poet’s „ decalogue of words” based on the poems of Jan Twardowski. The decalogue includes the following points: saving words, truth, silence and intentional understatement, humbleness and simplicity, ignorance, the presence of the speaker and face, love and trust, humor and other remarks.


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How to Cite

Bohdziewicz-Sulecka, B. (2019). „You do not save souls covered with words …” – what does Jan Twardowski teach about the words, in his poems?. Język - Szkoła - Religia, 14(3), 34–48. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/JSR/article/view/4586



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