Monitoring news programmes on the example of a public station in the ethical and legal aspect related to the mission and the journalist profession


  • Michał Drożdż The Pontifical University of John Paul II
  • Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin The Pontifical University of John Paul II


content analysis, ethic, public media, media mission, television


The subject matter of this article is the description of the methodology applied in the analysis of the content of the entire monitoring of the TVP Info station with regard to the mission of the public media and the ethical aspect in the actions of the media and the journalists. Detailed studies of the news programmes were conducted in the Academic Media Centre at the Institute of Journalism and Social Communication, at the faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. The applied methodology involved a study of a week constructed within the team working under substantive supervision of Michał Drożdż and the executive supervision of Klaudia Cymanow-Sosin. The content analysis was additionally supported by conclusions drawn on the basis of expert evaluations in the context of ethical and legal principles pertaining to the journalist profession and the obligations related to the public mission of a public broadcaster. The final report from the monitoring was developed in the context of two basic factors important for the functioning of the media, namely: the mission of the media and the ethics of the actions of the media and the journalists. The conclusions that were formed on the basis of this part of the research are a response to the abovementioned question related to the obligations of the public broadcaster in the ethical and legal aspect pertaining to the journalist profession.


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How to Cite

Drożdż, M. ., & Cymanow-Sosin, K. . (2019). Monitoring news programmes on the example of a public station in the ethical and legal aspect related to the mission and the journalist profession. Media Business Culture, (1(6), 9–21. Retrieved from


