The Power and Weakness of Thinking part 1


  • Jerzy Prokopiuk


Rudolf Steiner, philosophy, freedom, anthroposophy, thinking


This text is an editorial elaboration of the typescript about Rudolf Steiner’s Philsophy of Freedom. Prokopiuk discusses the first part of Philsophy of Freedom, which is titled as “Knowledge about Freedom”. Steiner connected the issue of human freedom with epistemological issue of his cognition limits. He criticized agnostic philosophy – specially Immanuel Kant’s works. He also refered to the achievements of German philosophical idealism (Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer) and found his own epistemological gaze. By him, the base of human cognition and freedom, depends on the ability to perceiving own thoughts. Prokopiuk also considers the issue of power and weakness of thinking in works written by other authors: George Steiner, Erich Voeglin and Lev Shestov.


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How to Cite

Prokopiuk, J. (2020). The Power and Weakness of Thinking part 1. Karto-Teka Gdańska, (2(7), 90–111. Retrieved from

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