Social and Spatial Determinants of the Integration of Blind, Visually Impaired and Sighted People on the Example of the Sailing Cruise of the “See the Sea” Foundation


  • Jacek Mianowski Uniwersytet Gdański

Słowa kluczowe:

visual impairment, integration of blind and sighted people, seagoing cruise


The subject of the analysis is the cooperation between blind and sighted people during a seagoing integration cruise. Integration is understood here as the result of joint sailing activities of people with different visual perception who participated in the cruise on the ship Zawisza Czarny. In the text, I put forward the thesis that integration is the result of the readiness of able-bodied and disabled people to create a “common world”. Therefore, I conducted qualitative research to verify this thesis. The aim of the research was to identify the factors and principles that favour the social integration of sighted, visually impaired and blind people during a ship cruise. I used primary data from in-depth interviews and secondary data from documentation to analyse social and spatial factors that determine the integration of able-bodied and disabled people during a sea voyage as part of the See the Sea project. In the theoretical dimension, the text is based on the assumptions of the integrative model of disability, an important component of which is the concept of the social integration of able-bodied and disabled people.


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Jak cytować

Mianowski, J. (2023). Social and Spatial Determinants of the Integration of Blind, Visually Impaired and Sighted People on the Example of the Sailing Cruise of the “See the Sea” Foundation. Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica, 24(1), 91–114. Pobrano z