The Level of Stress and Coping Stress Strategies of Polish Students with Hearing Impairment




stress, deaf, hearing impairment, quality of life


This main purpose of presented research is focused on the stress and coping with the stress of students with profound hearing loss. The studies explore the specificity of the function of hearing loss pupils. The study was conducted on a sample of 92 students, aged 16–19, 43 females, 49 males. For diagnostic purposes the standardized psychological' research tools were used. The results of the research indicate, that level of the stress is indifferent, shifted toward higher scores. The most frequently chosen strategy for coping with the stress in the sample is Acceptation, and the most common factor (grouped items) for coping with the stress is Seeking Support. There is no connection between level of the stress and variables: gender, age, level of the hearing loss, type of prosthesis. There is a relation in the sample between variable gender and strategy focused on Planning and strategy focused on Seeking Instrumental Support, variable age and strategies focused on Positive Revaluation and Cessation of Activities, variable type of prosthesis and strategy focused on Cessation of Activities, variable level of hearing loss a and strategy focused on Seeking Emotional Support and strategy focused on Seeking Emotional Support. Considering the factors for coping with the stress there is a relationship between variable age and a grouping strategy Evasive Behaviour and variable age and a grouping strategy Acceptance.


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How to Cite

Czyż, A. (2023). The Level of Stress and Coping Stress Strategies of Polish Students with Hearing Impairment . Disability , (49), 171–187.


