School achievements of the students with special educational needs at younger school age




school situation, school achievements, student (pupil), special educational needs


In the article, I present a fragment of broader research on the school situation of students with special educational needs (SEN) at younger school age, relating to their school achievements. The aim of this part of the research was to answer the following research questions: 1. What is the level of motivation for learning among students with special educational needs participating in the research? 2. Do these students manage to acquire the knowledge and skills included in the general education core curriculum for the first stage of education (i.e. do they experience school success/failure in this matter)? 3. Are there any learning difficulties (or what kind of them) in the group of students with SEN included in this research? 4. Do these students achieve any learning successes and in which areas of the early school education? 5. Does the type of SEN differentiate their school achievements?

During the research, I used the diagnostic survey method, survey, interview and observation techniques. The research tools were self-constructed questionnaires: survey for class teachers and interview for students, as well as one of the scales of the “Student Behavior Sheet” by Barbara Markowska, i.e. “Student’s Motivation Scale for School Learning”. In the research process, I also used statistical methods and techniques, i.e. Spearman's rank method, the statistical model of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe's post hoc test.

The research involved 95 students of younger school age with SEN due to their disability, long-term somatic disease and the risk of developmental dyslexia. The research has shown that the school achievements of the surveyed students with SEN vary. Complete success in acquiring school knowledge and skills was experienced by only 20%, and incomplete success – by 80% of all surveyed students. Fortunately, in the entire study group, there was not a single child repeating a grade or at risk of failing. The type of students' SEN turned out to be a variable differentiating their school achievements.


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How to Cite

Nowicka, A. (2023). School achievements of the students with special educational needs at younger school age. Disability , (50), 111–127.


