Looking for answers – virtual communities on Facebook as a form of sharing experiences of parents of children with hearing problems
Facebook, virtual communication, parenthood, hearing loss, cochlear implantAbstract
The presented article deals with the characteristics of the issues/questions of parents of children with hearing problems on FB groups concerning hearing loss, deafness in children. In the theoretical part of the article there is a description, characterisation of the virtual environment with particular emphasis on groups created on the Facebook platform. A synthesis of issues related to virtual and traditional communication is made, differences in the use of the discussed forms of communication are indicated. The theoretical part concludes with a description of parenting in the context of raising a child with hearing problems. A review of the research with regard to the experience of parenting in the context. The empirical part deals with the research methodology the author used to find answers to the research questions concerning the description of exemplary virtual groups for parents of children with hearing problems. The first concerns the selected/ exemplary groups on FB that are available for parents raising children with hearing problems, which issues dominate the groups for parents with children with hearing problems and in which areas parents with children with hearing problems share experiences through the selected groups on FB. The answer to the research question forms the basis for the conclusions of the analysis, showing the advantages and disadvantages of the FB groups available to those interested in issues of raising children with hearing problems. The article presents the conclusions of the research analysis and the implications for science.
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